by admin | 2016-03-07
MeEncoderMotor(uint8_t addr,uint8_t slot); Description: Constructor of Encoder Motor. Parameters: uint8_t addr: I2C address of driver module uint8_t slot: the motor number, can be SLOT1 or SLOT2. Example: MeEncoderMotor motor1(0x09, SLOT1); MeEncoderMotor motor2(0x09,...
by admin | 2016-03-04
Control your robot and learn programming by snapping graphical building blocks together. A Codeybot educational robot is required for running this app! LET YOUR ROBOT FEEL, THINK, AND DANCE With mBlockly, you can build short programs to let your Codeybot...
by admin | 2016-03-03
Introduction Get Started Programming Resource Download FAQ Contact information Technical support: makeblock2013 (Wechat Public Account) mBot motor shaft broken This video will teach you how to replace the broken motor shaft for your mBot within 1-2-3 steps:...
by admin | 2016-03-03
by admin | 2016-03-02
This document is for developers who want to develop their own apps for Makeblock robots. For beginners, please see “getting started” section in Makeblock mBot Protocol specifies how computer programs or mobile apps talk with Makeblock...
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