by admin | 2018-06-28 | Uncategorized
Girl Scouts of the USA introduced 23 new badges In one of their biggest announcements in almost a decade, Girl Scouts has rolled out 23 badges all involving STEM related achievements. These have been implemented to encourage girls of all ages to explore the depths of...
by admin | 2018-06-28 | STEAM教育资讯, STEAM教育资讯, STEAM教育资讯, STEAM教育资讯, STEAM教育资讯
In a nationwide study on education, 81 percent of kids said that they were interested in science however only 37 percent of these same students said they enjoy their science class. Through this disparity, it’s obvious that schools are really struggling to engage their...
by admin | 2018-06-28 | Uncategorized
robot kits Though our society is increasing their reliance and dependence on technology/programming, only 1 in 10 schools are actually actively teaching children how to code. Robots can bridge this gap by bringing introductory languages as well as a fun way to get...
by admin | 2018-06-12 | Uncategorized
A new generation of kids are lucky enough to use different kinds of coding toys that are actually fun. Steve Jobs once said, “Everybody should learn how to program a computer… because it teaches you how to think.” As technology dominates most of our...
by admin | 2018-06-07 | News Center, 官方新闻, 电子积木资讯
A Programmable Electronic Building Block Platform for IoT and AI – Makeblock launched the Neuron Creative Lab Kit SHENZHEN, China, May 21, 2018 — Makeblock, a global leading STEAM education solution provider, recently launched Creative Lab Kit, the latest...