3D Printers for Kids & STEAM Education

What is 3D printing?   If you’ve been trying to keep up with trends in technology, you’ve probably heard of 3D printing. It’s a process that allows three dimensional objects to be printed using a special machine. It uses a process called additive printing to...

STEAM Activities and Projects for Kids

Importance of STEAM You’ve likely heard of STEAM, a trend that’s starting to become a standard part of the educational curriculum around the world. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math, but it’s not just about the content of these...

What Is Early Childhood Education and Why Is It Important?

Early Childhood Education has been around for quite some time. You’ve probably heard the term before, but this blog can give you more information about what it means, how it applies to your child, and the role you and Makeblock can play in fostering a strong start in...

STEM VS STEAM: How to Start the STEAM Education for Kids

STEM vs. STEAM   STEM and STEM Education have been around for a while now. More and more educators and researchers have realized the potential benefits STEM education can contribute to children’s growth and development, and start to promote it in and out of...